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I'm organizing group sessions for serious students  who are committing to progressing fast in a 2 months period!

  • The lesson format is a small group with maximum 8 students.

  • We'll have weekly 60-minute sessions with homework and exercises to be completed for our next session.

  •  Between sessions, I there will be video/audio assignments. I'll have you 

  • Groups are a great way to learn from each other

  • There is a curriculum that we'll go over in the 8 sessions while being flexible to the interest and level of the students

  • we'll have a Slack Group where the class will be uploaded weekly and there will be PDFs and bullet points to work on for the following week. 


  • IMPORTANT - I'll be taking beginners as well so don't worry about your level. it's all a journey.



GROUP 1: Guitar Technique, Speed & flow Group​


  • Guitar Technique from the ground up

  • REALLY knowing the fretboard 

  • Scales & arpeggios 

  • Solo Concepts

  • Singing lines & ideas

  • Rhythm concepts for solo

  • How to learn songs

  • How to transcribe

  • Key concepts to practice in an efficient way

  • Chords & Extensions


GROUP 2: Theory, Rhythm & Ear Training Group


  • Get out of a plateau that happen due to lack of "basics" 

  • Hear what's in your mind and play it 

  • Transcribe chords & songs easily

  • Recognize chord colors 

  • Sing melodies accurately (yes you can!)

  • Hear changes 

  • Get stronger as an improviser 

  • Rhythm exercise to, writing, reading and hear

  • What are chord functions, how does it really works

  • Key concepts to practice in an efficient way

  • Intro to writing  

These group sessions are 8 weeks long, and the total price is $600.

The lessons are weekly, on Mondays starting Feb. 12th.

Ready to take your playing to the next step?? let's do it!


Email & text me since there aren't a lot of spot available already 


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